ご担当者様,紅葉の季節を迎えましたが、 御社におかれましてはますますご隆盛のこととお慶び申し上げます。
Art competitions formed part of the modern Olympic Games from 1912 to 1948. We, the Noisebringers, demand their immediate and irrevocable reinstatement. In order to enhance the popularity, spectacularity, and inclusivity of the postponed Tokyo 2020 games, we propose to replace the old categories (fine arts, architecture, literature, etc.) with new, improved, exciting, and relevant ones. We propose the inclusion of the following forms of high-octane entertainment, for review by Mr Yoshirō Mori and the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Individual Categories:
- Women’s underarm flute performance[1]
- Viola Javelin[2]
- Shouting over slam poetry until it becomes inaudible (distance from poet of 200/400/800m)
- Fastest time to untangle XLR cable bundle (10/20m length, cable quantity 4-500)
- Biggest ego
- Men’s fastest time to name-drop 30 groundbreakingly experimental artists whose work we should “check out”
- Most objects laid out on small folding table
- Competitive individual screen-printing (t-shirt, tote-bag[3])
- Over-18’s underwater solo singing (traditional, contemporary)
- Transporting of gear to venue without a car or friends[4]: no-sweating, fastest time, least complaining
- DIY Instrument building: wood, metal, electronics, repurposed instruments
- Contemporary dance sub-category:
- Flowiest t-shirt
- Longest time spent without rolling on floor: 10/20/30 minute performance
- Barefoot performance: protruding nail avoidance, wood-floor splinter mitigation
- Least dust/dirt on clothes by gig end
- Performer shortest fringe/bangs
- Non-artist significant other sub-category
- Confusion and Boredom levels: highest, lowest, best-concealed
- Carrying and setting-up: obstruction and helpfulness
- Artist-allyship: support, tolerance
- Bullshit conversation: time sustained without panic (30s, 1m, 5m, 30m)
Group Categories
- Men’s group analogue-synthesiser sub-category:
- Conversation length: longest, shortest
- Most shades of coloured wire: duos, trios
- Shortest set-up time
- Smallest number of archaic media used in performance (audio cassette, vinyl, floppy-disk, wax-cylinder, etc.): duos, trios
- Fastest de-tuning of piano: Teams 2-4, Upright, Baby-Grand, Grand.
- Most gig-posters put up in one night before they are torn down: teams of 3
- Most audience members convinced to come to gig instead of go drinking: teams of 3
- Most unenthusiastic clapping: audience – single hand on thigh, two-handed, snaps, hand against beverage (glass, plastic, bottle, etc.)
- Free-Jazz ensemble diversity sub-category:
- Least men
- Shortest set
- Shortest preamble
Venue category:
- Largest room with smallest number of individual broken heaters
- Most expensive craft beer
- Largest number of audience members who are not friends of performers or performers of previous/next set
- Longest delay to gig start-time
- Lowest decibel level for multi-channel speaker array
- Smallest number of WCABHNEDO4[5] “composers” programmed per season
- Bathroom sub-category:
- Cleanest
- Number of toilet rolls available
- Average queue length: shortest, longest
- Temperature: hottest, coldest
- Proximity to venue with alcohol-sales[6]
敬具, サッフォー マリア、マクフェルソン ヘンリー、カテラン ブリース
[1] Due to the predicted overwhelming popularity of women’s left-handed over-shoulder piccolo performance, this category has been withdrawn to mitigate the gathering of large and excited crowds, in an effort to reduce the spread of Coronavirus
[2] With regards to countries in which violas and viola-aligned performance have been made illegal, substitution with Recorder or Bagpipe is sufficient
[3] Band-logo print category redacted over possibility of copyright disputes
[4] Friendship category redacted due to social-distancing guidelines
[5] White, cisgender, able-bodied, heterosexual, neurotypical, European, dead and/or over-40-year-old
[6] Venues holding alcohol licenses are barred from entry
Giant foot hiker avoidance
Athlete: Tente.
From the Noisebringers Olympics (2021).
100m fishing line
Athlete: Maria Sappho.
From the Noisebringers Olympics (2021).
Athlete: Maria Sappho.
From the Noisebringers Olympics (2021).
Athlete: Maria Sappho.
From the Noisebringers Olympics (2021).
Athlete: Maria Sappho.
From the Noisebringers Olympics (2021).
Athlete: Brice Catherin.
From the Noisebringers Olympics (2021).
Mixed 10m Jangle Stick
Athlete: Sergio de la Fiesta.
From the Noisebringers Olympics (2021).
Underwater double flute
Athlete: John Havermeyer.
From the Noisebringers Olympics (2021).
Synchronised dog napping
Athletes: Perthro Şilla and Cooper.
From the Noisebringers Olympics (2021).