It could be better is a transdisciplinary project by the Association de Malfaiteurs and the Noisebringers, with Afulodidim Nikefolosi and their guests, that took place at Analix Forever (Switzerland) from the 8 January to the 21 February 2024. It involved:
Jonathan O’Hear (installations, performances, co-creation)
Brice Catherin (installations, performances, co-creation)
Maria Sappho (installations, performances, co-creation)
Henry McPherson (installations, performances, co-creation)
Afulodidim Nikefolosi (installations, performances, co-creation)
Guests: Anonymous sex workers (CH), Victor Sebastiao da Silva (CH), Chimbwaka Ellah Simwanza (Zambia), Kaluba Champo (Zambia), Nikias Imhoof (CH).
It could be better makes rare or unheard voices audible by initiating and presenting artistic collaborations with marginalised or silenced people who do not usually enjoy the privilege of accessing stages, galleries and publications. These people, some of them artists, come from very different cultures, social classes, generations and professional practices. Two of the commonalities that bind them are:
1) their willingness to share art and/or stories that rarely find a place in the Global North cultural landscape;
2) a common desire to collaborate to imagine, together, new forms to share this art and these stories.
The full tour of the exhibitions is available by clicking on the image on top, or just here.
The quick video tour (guided by Mwendajangula) is visible bellow: